Selection Process



The partnering NGOs help us identify the deserving children from the remotest of villages and slums/ streets of Gujrat.



To shortlist the children, a set of psychometric tests are administered to assess their logical reasoning and observation ability while still looking into their aptitude and intellect as well as the academic inclination. A battery of pathological tests and medical examinations through our panel of institutions and doctors, help us overrule chronic disorders, if any

camp 1


The shortlisted children attend a camp for about 10 days at Visamo, before the final admission process. Herein they are acclimatized to the new milieu through a grooming process , including fun activities and interaction with the elder kids and peer. The residential staff (Griha Matas) observes the children closely and prepares individual child reports in pre-determined questionnaires



A panel led by the chairperson, and having representation from the Visamo task group(VTG), NGO and Visamo is formed. On the final day of the camp, the parents of the short listed kids are invited to visamo to meet with their kids and have a formal interaction with the panel members. The parents are counseled and their consent is sought, prior to confirming the admission of their child in Visamo. The panelists interact with the parents to understand their commitment towards the relationship with Visamo.